Saturday, May 7, 2011

On the Way to the Park

For the first time in many years there is no scaffolding on the church of Saint Sulpice.  It feels like we've never seen the entire facade at the same time, though I know that's not true.  The scaffolding on the bright shining clean north tower and across the ground floor facade was up for the last several years and I think the south tower had been enshrouded for years before that.  Looking at it now, I have the terrible feeling that they may want to go back and clean up that south tower again.  It's gotten kind of schmutzy, out there in the open air and all.

We were passing the church on the way to the Luxembourg garden.  We're so lucky to have this huge expanse of green and water and statuary within easy strolling distance, and we're not the only people who take advantage of it.  Around lunch time on a sunny day many of the pale green chairs are occupied by a range of folks, 

from solitary snackers to suited business meeting types.

And then after lunch, the chairs with the relaxing slanted back are at a premium.

Unless you're a duck; in which case you get to sleep on the grass.

I've walked on rue de Vaugirard along the Luxembourg garden wall many times but somehow never stopped to notice the entrance to what was once a convent of the Daughters of Calvary, the land for which was given to the order by Marie de Medici while she lived up the street in the Luxembourg Palace. She also built the chapel, of which this is the only remaining vestige.  Behind it is the winter garden of the Petit-Luxembourg, the residence of the President of the Sénat.  I do love tripping over things that are new to me in areas with which I thought I was very familiar!

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